

When developing LazyStack applications we launch two projects in Visual Studio. One is the local WebApi and the other is the client application configured to call the local WebApi instead of the cloud stack. This makes debugging even the most complex use-cases much simpler.

One important difference between the WebAPI server and the Lambda(s) in your Serverless Stack is that routes in your OpenAPI may, and often should, point to different Lambda functions. AWS limits the number of API Gateway routes that may reference a single Lambda.

In contrast, the local WebAPI server hosts ALL of the API routes. For local debugging, having all your routes serviced by the same local server is a feature, not a limitation. There are times when this distinction must be considered, for example, when you want to debug code where multiple instances of a lambda function in the cloud accessing the same database record at the same time - this is not possible to test with a local WebAPI as there is only one “instance” of the lambda function.

AWS Profiles

When you run your controller code locally, in the WebApi or in a test, it is assumed that your local AWS credentials provide access to the AWS resources the controller code requires. If you are developing multiple application stacks you may create multiple AWS security profiles and switch among them as necessary in your development and test scenarios.

Alternatives - using multiple Visual Studio Instances

  • Completely Separate Visual Studio Solutions

    You may prefer to place your Client Project in a separate Visual Studio solution. If you do, you can simply have two copies of Visual Studio open at the same time to debug calls from the client to the server.

  • Use a Visual Studio "shadow" Solution

    If you prefer to track all your projects in a single Visual Studio solution (let's call it the main solution) but want to use separate instances of Visual Studio to debug client and server projects you can create a (shadow) Visual Studio solution that references projects in the "main" solution. Personally, this is my favorite approach. I typically use a Shadow solution for the client project(s). To set up a Shadow Solution:

    • Create a new Solution with a console project
    • Remove the console project
    • Use Add Existing Project to add client projects in the Main project to the Shadow solution
    • Launch the WebApi project in the Main solution
    • Launch the Client project in the Shadow solution