
Security First

We have a background working in the FinTech, Investing and Casino industries which are all highly regulated. Building applications in these industries requires conforming to strict coding standards and passing security audits. Code generation with tools like LazyStack reduces the time and effort required to produce software that complies with these standards and makes passing security audits far less difficult.

In general, if you can demonstrate that a code generation process produces secure code and infrastructure then you need only audit the code generation process - not the code it generates. Also, if a problem is found and fixed in the code generation process then it is easy to roll out a security update with confidence.

Should you care?

The software development landscape is changing rapidly with the introduction of privacy regulations and now any industry which collects and manages consumer data must “up their game” to avoid substantial regulatory fines for non-compliance or breach. One of the guiding principles of LazyStack is security-first development. Cloud providers like AWS, Google and Azure take security very seriously and if you use their services correctly you get a huge boost toward fielding a secure application stack.

AWS Security Notes

If you have used AWS Services in the past you may have noticed that we don’t show a VPC in the AWS stack. This is not an oversight. AWS Services use secure signed messaging to communicate with each other so they don’t need to be inside an AWS Virtual Private Cloud to be secure. Your client only calls externally available routes published by the API Gateway, Cognito and STS and these connections may be secured using signed messages as well.

As simple as it is, this is a scalable, robust and secure application stack. Other, more advanced stacks using a VPC may be defined and used when necessary. For example, using AWS Relational Database Services (RDS) instead of DynamoDB would require a VPC because the DB connection routes must be inside a VPC to be secure from a compliance standpoint; AWS RDS do not support the same secured signed messaging that native AWS services use. For instance, connecting to an AWS RDS MySQL instance isn’t really any different than connecting to your own instance of MySQL - thus, accepted practice stipulates such connections should be secured in a VPC.

While specifying a VPC does introduce more complexity in the SAM template file, the LazyStack process remains the same. If you can start with the simple stack and move to a stack using a VPC later, we recommend doing so. You don’t incur technical debt by starting with a simple stack. The single biggest factor to consider here is usually the choice of database.