Continuing with our PetStore example, LazyStack generates the PetStoreClientSDK project containing:
The MethodMap.json file maps individual interface methods to ApiGateway(s). Here is an example of a generated MethodMap.json file.
"MethodMap": {
"AddPetAsync": "HttpApiSecure",
"UpdatePetAsync": "HttpApiSecure",
"FindPetsByStatusAsync": "HttpApiSecure",
"GetPetByIdAsync": "HttpApiSecure",
"UpdatePetWithFormAsync": "HttpApiSecure",
"DeletePetAsync": "HttpApiSecure",
"GetPetCategoriesAsync": "HttpApiSecure",
"GetPetTagsAsync": "HttpApiSecure",
"GetInventoryAsync": "ApiSecure",
"PlaceOrderAsync": "HttpApiSecure",
"GetOrderByIdAsync": "HttpApiSecure",
"DeleteOrderAsync": "ApiSecure",
"FindPetsByTagsAsync": "HttpApiSecure",
"SeedPetsAsync": "HttpApiSecure"
Note:There are a variety of OpenApi → C# code generators available. Some of these offer substantially more features than the current version of NSwag. However, NSwag is native C#, very robust and under active development so we have chosen to use it.